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Elevate Your Skills: Kenya's Leading Source for Comprehensive Security Courses



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About us

Welcome to our esteemed institution, Protective Training College, situated at the heart of Kenya. We stand as a recognized and registered educational entity dedicated to fostering capacity building and educational excellence. Our commitment to empowerment extends to individuals and organizations alike, providing comprehensive training services. Endorsed by the Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA), we proudly hold accreditation as a premier private security training institution in Kenya. Moreover, our courses bear the esteemed accreditations of the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), World Certification Institute (WCI), and TVETA, underlining our commitment to international standards and quality education. At PTA, we embrace a vision of learning that transcends boundaries, equipping our students with practical skills, knowledge, and expertise that not only meet industry requirements but also empower individuals to thrive in the dynamic landscape of security and protection.

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